Memorial Day an uncomfortable holiday

Memorial Day has never been a comfortable holiday for me. It is a day when our unbridled patriotism is confronted with the reality of sacrifice – and how great that sacrifice can be. Sometimes the things that mean the most to us are the hardest to explain. We spend the morning at cemeteries filled with crosses, flags and poppies. We… (more…)

People should do what’s right

It had been a long time since I’d seen the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird,” but when I sat down to watch it, I quickly remembered why it is one of my favorites. The best movies can lift us up and help clarify our beliefs. “There are some men in this world who were born to do our unpleasant jobs… (more…)

Americans need constant perseverance

In his inaugural address seventy-six years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous words, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself,” echoed throughout the countryside. In a time when the average American was struggling to find food, families continued looking to the future. They didn’t give up; they persevered. Their determination inspired future generations to dream bigger.When I watch the… (more…)

Everyone has something to contribute

In a world that constantly seems to be getting smaller, our communities seem to be getting farther away from each other. In our recent presidential election, we had two men of different ages, beliefs, ideologies and parties telling Americans to get involved in their society, to pull their communities closer, and to make an already great country even greater. This… (more…)