Kind words go a long way

I have often wondered why it is harder to say something kind than something cruel, why it takes effort on our part to praise when it is so effortless to criticize? Even when we really feel compelled, it is easier to set compliments aside or allow ourselves to become distracted and never tell someone how proud we are of them… (more…)

Future depends on our current political decisions

In 2002 during the Tim Johnson and John Thune Senate race I cared, I voted and I sat on my couch all night watching the results come in. I did not know there was something else I could do, but I had the desire to do more. In 2004 I was asked to volunteer by someone I’d never met, and… (more…)

My straw bale building project: Photos

Leaders should try leading by example

When we think of the people we know who stand on the other side of a controversial issue, we do not wish to belittle them. We treat them the way we would wish to be treated ourselves. We seek to persuade them with our view. Sometimes our principles prevent agreement, and neither of us will budge, but we can accept… (more…)

Friendships can change lives forever

It is interesting how we discover friendship. We might not often look for it or even pick our friends. When we are in need they present themselves. We never know who will reach out and become important to us. When I was a kid, I loved the theater. I started in community theater when I was about 15, but then… (more…)

What’s your purpose?

The world is not always kind to the people who have a greater sense of purpose; it is often harder and crueler toward those people. Because they care, they will be hurt. They are people who have seen the possibilities and the great things we can achieve. Once they see these things, it is impossible for them to set them… (more…)

Control over health care essential

I know my dog has nothing to do with the health care debate except that I care for him. I know what it is like for him to age and have seen him go from a young German Shepherd cross to an old dog in front of my eyes. I know the walks around the farm have gotten shorter and… (more…)

Volunteer firefighters important

Over the past several years, I’ve learned how important a volunteer fire department is to a small community and the many ways it improves our lives. Fourth of July celebrations in Stratford are probably the ideal setting for a small-town movie scene. A community picnic is shaded by the old trees, followed by kids’ games, such as tug of war,… (more…)

Dream big rather than not at all

People are disappointing, especially the ones we believe in the most. We expect perfection from the imperfect. They have a set of ideals they choose to live by that we share. We hold them to a high standard and expect them to maintain those ideals. We do not allow room for failure or human weakness. Too often we are harder… (more…)

Stimulus not answer

In the free-market system, companies that don’t succeed are required to restructure and become competitive, or they will be replaced by something better, cheaper and more attractive. The stimulus package might have been passed with the best of intentions, but it only delays the hard decisions. Do we want government dictating what is available – from the cars we drive… (more…)